Time to freshen up and new Mojeek intro video

04 July 2018
5 min

Even though it's technically summer, we thought it was about time for a spring clean, so are pleased to introduce our new Home and About pages. We wanted the new home page to have an even minimal and crisper feel than before, which we hope it has achieved. It also now features a new menu for ease of use. Here's the before and after:

We have also completely redesigned our about page:

The about page now includes informative facts, a timeline of our story, details of the team, and an introductory video - also included below - where you can learn more about Mojeek, what drives us and even why we exist. We hope you enjoy it:
We'd love to hear your feedback, and in particular if you come across any problems on either of these pages. Thank you.

04 July 2018
5 min