
Mojeek News Update


13 November 2019

3 min

Mojeek's news search results

We want Mojeek News to act as an extensive news aggregator, giving you a varied and accurate representation of all topics and current affairs from around the world. Our latest update helps us to achieve just that as we now have the ability to add new sources more easily, which was a problem we experienced with the previous system. This means we will gradually add more media outlets to Mojeek News as we go, providing a more complete collection of publishers worldwide covering all topics.

Variety of Sources

As digital platforms become increasingly influential on conveying the news online, we recognise we also have a significant part to play in ensuring our users receive the news in the fairest way possible. We are very aware of the impact filter bubbles can have in shielding us from different opinions, leading us down a dangerous route of polarisation. So with this update to our News in place, we will continue to add a variety of news sources which cover all perspectives and don't all adhere to one side of the political spectrum.

mojeek news

Categories and National News

As we now have more news content available, we have split up the category 'Science & Tech' into two new categories 'Science' and 'Technology'. And currently for those who live in the United Kingdom or those who have set their location to the United Kingdom, there is a 'UK' category available to choose from for all UK specific news stories. In the future, we will be looking to expand upon this for those living in other countries who would like to select the country category they reside in for their national news.

Older Articles

Finally, we now keep a cache of previous news stories around for much longer, allowing you to go back further and view older articles.

Because the News is a newly updated feature, there may be the odd bug or two. If you come across any, please let us know.


13 November 2019

3 min

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