We're listening, how to get in touch

21 June 2019
4 min
Our vision is to be the world's alternative search engine, but the only way we're going to achieve this is with you. This doesn't simply mean having you tag along for the ride, but instead actively involving you, listening to your feedback and establishing a community. By doing so, it will help us decide what routes to go down, but also maybe when to put the brakes on. Our communication channels have always been open, and we have been shaped by your feedback already, but we thought this blog post could introduce other ways to get involved that you might not have known about.
Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn
Let's start with the social media platforms we use. We have Facebook and Twitter accounts which have been active for a few years now and have found them to be very useful in chatting with you. This is where we post Mojeek updates, but also relevant tech news and interesting content we think you would find interesting. If you would like to get involved in public discussion around these topics then this would be the best place to do so. Or, if you want to get in touch directly with the Mojeek team, our private messenger on Facebook and direct messages on Twitter are always open. And for those looking to follow Mojeek progress in a business setting, feel free to check out our LinkedIn account and get in touch there.
We recently set up the r/mojeek subreddit because we thought it would be a great opportunity for both the Mojeek team and Mojeek community to discuss updates, news and more. On here, the floor is all yours to post whatever you'd like (as long as it follows the reddiquette of course). As moderators, we might get involved every now and then, but we thought it would be a good platform for you to meet, chat and learn from other Mojeek users. Elsewhere on Reddit, we also like to hang out on the subreddits: r/privacy, r/degoogle, r/privacytoolsIO, r/technology, so we recommend joining them too.
The final social media account we have is on the alternative rising social media platform Mastodon. Mastodon does things slightly differently (which is something we like) as they are an ad-free and community-owned platform similar to Twitter. The open-source platform offers great tools for privacy and is dedicated to dealing with harassment. We are very new to Mastodon, but we are enjoying engaging with community so far and are looking forward to using it more and more. If you're already there, feel free to follow our Mastodon account and get involved.
On Mojeek
Of course, there's always the traditional way to get in touch. This can be done heading to our contact page. We will read your email and reply to you as soon as we can. Also did you know after conducting a search on Mojeek you can scroll to the bottom of the page and click the 'Feedback' button to let us know what you think of the results. Feedback can either be sent anonymously, or if you would like a reply you can provide an email address and we will get back to you. We take your thoughts into account, it helps us to make adjustments and improve the quality and relevancy of the results we provide you.

21 June 2019
4 min