Mojeek's Monthly Must Reads

08 September 2018
3 min
It's that time again. Welcome to the latest edition of Mojeek's Monthly Must Reads. Check out our favourite articles we have read over the last month, from innovative startups in Y Combinator showcasing their work to an explanation on why Fortnite is just so addictive! Enjoy. Privacy Search Engine, a Review
Author: Brad Enslen (@bradenslen) –
Summary: Brad Enslen's well thought out and considered review of Mojeek after 3 weeks of testing as his default search engine.
Y combinator is launching a startup program in China
Author: Jon Russell (@jonrussell) – Tech Crunch
Summary: Y Combinator is expanding to China with former Microsoft and Baidu executive Qi Lu setting up the standalone startup program YC China as CEO.
Changing Our Approach to Anti-tracking
Author: Nick Nguyen (@osunick) - Firefox
Summary: In response to the ever present threat of user tracking on the Internet, Firefox outlines the steps they will be taking to protect users and offering a set of controls over what information users should share with sites.
How a Transplanted Face Transformed Katie Stubblefield's Life
Author: Joanna Connors (@joconnors) - The National Geographic
Summary: This article follows the incredible story of Katie Stubblefield, the youngest person in the USA to undergo the experimental facial transplant surgery.
Google wants to get rid of URLs but doesn't know what to use instead
Author: Peter Bright (@DrPizza)- Ars Technica
Summary: Despite URLs making up an important part of the Web, they have their problems, especially in regard to being exploited by people making them a security hazard. However, Google developers are struggling to come up with an alternative replacement.
What Did Ada Lovelace's Program Actually Do?
Author: TwoBitHistory (@TwoBitHistory)
Summary: Taking place over hundred years before Microsoft's BASIC interpreter was written, Ada Lovelace wrote and published a computer program. This article goes into the fundamentals of her program and whether she could be considered to be the first ever programmer.
GDPR three months on: Most consumers feel no better off
Author: Lucy Tesseras (@LucyTesseras) – Marketing Week
Summary: Research by Marketing Week indicates since GDPR came into effect, consumers may have a better understanding of how companies use their data, but despite this, they have seen no change to the overall experience they have with these companies.
Where we need responsible technology
Author: Laura James (@LaurieJ) – ‘Doteveryone' and ‘Digital Leaders'
Summary: Calling for a time of reflection, stabilisation and building good practice, this article explains how building responsible tech goes further than simply reacting to big tech, surveillance capitalism and personal data markets.
Here are the 63 startups that launched today at y combinators s18 demo
Author: Lucas Matney (@lucasmtny), Jonathan Shieber (@jshieber), Taylor Hatmaker (@tayhatmaker), Anthony Ha (@anthonyha) – Tech Crunch
Summary: Y Combinator showed off a variety of startups and their innovative ideas at its YC Summer 2018 demo day. From gymless gyms to lab grown palm oil, there's some interesting for everyone here.
Americans are changing their relationship with facebook
Author: Andrew Perrin (@MisterAMP) – Pew Research Centre
Summary: A large amount of Facebook users have taken steps to change their relationship with the social media platform. This includes reducing time spent on Facebook to deleting the app altogether, following the privacy scandals of this year.
Man sues over Google's "Location History" fiasco, case could affect millions
Author: Cyrus Farivar (@cfarivar) - Ars Technica
Summary: A man from the USA sues Google after claiming they are violating the California Invasion of Privacy Act. Google faces scrutiny, after it was made apparent that location data is stored even when ‘Location History' is turned off.
Brighton has an alternative take on technology
Author: James Hurley (@jameshurley) – The Times
Summary: Not just known for it's alternative lifestyle scene, this article claims Brighton is an emerging alternative tech hub for innovative startups.
Superawesome now offers kids brands an alternative to youtube
Author: Sarah Perez (@sarahintampa) – Tech Crunch
Summary: As YouTube faces class-action lawsuit over children's privacy, alternative startup SuperAwesome presents another option, dedicated to kid-safe technology. Including tools for social engagement, parental controls, advertising, authentication, and more
Author: Dorian Peters (@dorian_peters) – Medium
Summary: Dorian Peters explores mindfulness' place in the tech scene and why it is so important. Despite hitting the mainstream, mindfulness still battles the modern culture orientated towards multitasking and speed.
The New Science of Seeing Around Corners
Author: Natalie Wolchover (@nattyover) – Qwanta Magazine
Summary: Computer vision researchers have uncovered a world of hidden visual signals around us. This includes subtle motions that betray what's being said and faint images of what's around a corners.
Why can't people stop playing Fortnite?
Author: Will Luton (@will_luton) – The Guardian
Summary: This article explores the addictiveness of the popular multiplayer game Fortnite and how the fundamentals of game design and human psychology make it so compelling.
Developers must give their apps a privacy policy or Apple will kick them out of the App Store
Author: Mark Wycislik-Wilson (@MarkWilsonWords) - Beta News
Summary: From Otober 3rd, Apple announced that apps submitted to the App store must have a privacy policy in place to let users know how their data is being used. Those without out it will faces ejection from the App store.
Author: Steve Blank (@sgblank) –
Summary: Despite the title question, Steve claims, for companies and government, the next generation of Lean is more relevant than ever, especially for startups hoping deliver innovation at speed.
How Music Was Made On Super Nintendo
Author: Nerdwriter
Summary: Nerdwriter explores the original specs of sound chips and restrictions of working on sound system of the Super Nintendo, meaning composers had to get very creative to make soundtracks.
Author: The Economist
Summary: This video analyses the tech giants Google, Facebook and Amazon whilst questioning their dominance. It outlines the worrying affect their power can have on consumers and competition.

08 September 2018
3 min