Mojeek interviewed on BBC

20 April 2015
3 min
Last Thursday (15th April) Mojeek's founder was interviewed on BBC World's Global show and Radio 5 Live. The discussion was based around the EU's decision to file a complaint against Google over alleged anti-competitive behaviour, the difficulties an alternative search engine has to compete against them, and Mojeek in general.
If you missed it, here's Marc's thoughts on the subject (not a transcript):
"In general I don't agree with Government regulation or interference, and believe some (not all) of the companies that originally brought this action against Google were trying to manipulate their results, and therefore rightly penalised by them. I also believe Google, and any website, has the right to do what they like on their own site, and it's our choice as the user to go elsewhere if we don't agree. Google has done incredible things for search, they have raised the bar, which can only be a good thing. They were one of my original inspirations for starting Mojeek. But unfortunately they no longer hold the same values or practise the same ethics as with which they started, and to me doing something 'right' is just as important as doing something 'well'. If people thought the Which magazine accepted payments from manufacturers to review their products (which they don't!), they wouldn't trust their reviews. Why is it any different or less important for search? More and more Google favour their own services, which in-turn highlight and recommend the products from suppliers that can afford to and are willing to pay the most for the privilege. This can't be right, nor is it in the best interests of the consumer (their words not mine!).
But the use of alternative search engines is also important for another reason, and that's choice. The reason it's important is because not everyone can rank no. 1 on Google, not everyone can compete to be on the first page. This will be devastating for the companies that can't, and the local economies they support. And if we all "just use Google", we'll all end up buying the same clothes, shopping at the same shops and eating at the same restaurants. Choice and competition will be gone.
Lastly, from a British perspective (and maybe every country except the US as they're already doing it!), I believe it's essential this country competes on the same scale as companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter. I don't accept that we can't, and believe we have the knowledge and skills to do it in this country, but unfortunately lack the long-term vision and are too risk-averse. We also tend to knock people trying something a little different, instead of helping them with ideas on how they can succeed. We need to have confidence in ourselves, in this country, and the people in it. If we do, we can compete on a global scale, and ultimately bring back some of the lost revenue that is leaving this country every day! (Not to mention the fact these companies don't pay their Taxes either)".

20 April 2015
3 min