How to submit your site to Mojeek

28 March 2015
1 min
Mojeek automatically discovers websites during its crawl of the web, for this reason there is currently no way to manually submit your site to Mojeek. As other search engines do, Mojeek recommends getting prominent and genuine links to your site, this will help Mojeek and other search engines find and rank your website.
To check if your site is already listed, search for the exact domain name, ie. If Mojeek has already indexed the site it will be presented at the top of the results page, along with a search box enabling you to search within the site. We call this the "PageQuery" box, as it appears when an indexed page/URL is searched for. If the PageQuery box isn't displayed, Mojeek has not yet come across the site, nor entered it into it's search index.
If the site is displayed along with a PageQuery box, but there's no title or snippet, just the URL. This could indicate Mojeek had a problem indexing the page, if this is the case, let us know and we'll look into it.

28 March 2015
1 min